On September 16th, 2020, NEDC held the first part of our endorsement meeting. Given the complicated nature of holding an endorsement meeting remotely, we found that a secret ballot would not be possible. As such, we decided to vote via consent calendar to follow the endorsement recommendations of the LACDP for races that we did not endorse for in the March 2020 Primary.
Endorsements made at that meeting earlier this year will stand for those candidates who made it to the November 2020 General election.
The result on the 16th was that the recommendations of the LACDP would stand, except for three races that were removed from the consent calendar.
Those races were:
LA County District Attorney; LA City Council District 4; LA County Board of Supervisors 2nd District.
We recessed the meeting on September 16th and scheduled the continuation of the meeting for September 30th, 7pm via Zoom. This would allow 2 weeks for the campaigns whose races were removed from the consent calendar to reach back out to us and fill out candidate information worksheets to seek the endorsement from our club.
Members are invited to join us via Zoom for part 2 of the Endorsement meeting. Candidates will be given 5 minutes to speak and time to answer member questions.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 30th.
Zoom information below:
Topic: Part 2, General Election Endorsement Meeting 2020
Time: Sep 30, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 862 7939 3837
Passcode: 572870
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Meeting ID: 862 7939 3837
Passcode: 572870
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