Northeast Democratic Club of Los Angeles is the oldest Democratic club in NELA, founded in 1955. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month, 7pm, at the Glassell Park Senior Center located at 3750 Verdugo Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90065 . You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @neladems
We provide a friendly and inclusive environment for Democrats across the spectrum, and regularly invite guest speakers to discuss local issues at our meetings.
Our club prioritizes endorsements for seats that are up for a vote in Northeast Los Angeles and the Eastside.
These districts include:
City Council: CD1, CD14
Board of Supervisors: BOS1
Assembly: AD51, AD53
State Senate: SD24
Congress: CA34
We also participate in countywide races including:
District Attorney
Judicial Seats*
*If you are a candidate for a judicial race, we ask that you directly contact us at neladems @ gmail . com if you would like to seek our endorsement. Because there are so many seats, we prioritize those in which the candidates specifically request endorsement.