Are you on an election high, from November? Are you going through volunteer withdrawal? Looking for a way to continue the good feelings? Want to flip the Senate and capture the White House? UDH and the NEDC want to make you aware of opportunities available RIGHT NOW. Voter registration in targeted areas and targeted states can be the edge that puts us over the top next year. We have both in person voter registration and voter registration by mail opportunities. Swing Left and Vote Forward have identified 11 states that if targeted can accomplish at least 2 of 3 goals. 1. Flip the Senate, 2. Capture the White House & 3. End partisan gerrymandering. They’ve developed a letter writing campaign not unlike the postcard program, only even easier, which we successfully employed in capturing some of the House seats in November. If you would like to attend one of these letter writing parties or would like more info please contact Ron Garber at Just a reminder that if people go to the Swing Left Events calendar for this area (, they will see not only Swing Left letter writing parties in this vicinity, but also Jason’s voter registration events in CA-39. So it’s a useful link to provide. Thank you! ALSO… Former CADEM Organizers Jason Berlin & Michael Tonetti have founded a new organization! It’s called Field Team 6, and its mission is simple: Register Democrats. Save the World. The Battle of 2020 has already begun – and this time, we’re fighting to take the White House – flip the Senate – and expand our House majority. The *most* direct way to make a concrete difference is to get out there and register Democrats! We desperately need to protect the swing districts we just won – and we are on the attack in four more: CA-22 (Devin Nunes-R), CA-50 (Duncan Hunter-R), CA-42 (Ken Calvert-R) and CA-08 (Paul Cook-R). Also coming soon: trips to Arizona! To sign up for events, host your own, donate, or find out more, check out! |